Root And Branch Church

Worry & Anxiety - October 2020



All of us (most of us?...some of us?) want to help turn the tide amid the panoply of awful things going on. But there is such an overwhelming volume of (often contradictory) instruction on what we should do or not do, say or not say. Then there’s the constant debating, gaslighting, and public judgement on the interwebs to deal with. You have the anxiety of all the things mixed with the anxiety to try and fix all the things, and it's sometimes hard to imagine any of this getting better, or our efforts being of any use.  But, there is another way to live and experience this whole thing. This is where we turn to that age old question: WHAT THE F*** WOULD JESUS DO? Join us for our next series as we try to ask W(TF)WJD in earnest, exploring teachings and truths that just might restore our hope and make us more effective agents of change and transformation. Speaker: Tim Kim