Elliot Roe's A-game Advantage

017 - Dr. Kayvon K - Mindset, Accountability & Momentum



In today’s episode, Dr. Kayvon K, productivity and mindset coach for entrepreneurs, shares some of the biggest stumbling blocks that high-performing entrepreneurs face. Dr. Kayvon started off his career as a doctor but was soon presented with a fork in the road when he found it too difficult to push his empathy aside. After an interesting journey, Dr. Kayvon now helps entrepreneurs and CEOs get out of their own way so they can continue to grow. Listen in as Dr. Kayvon explains how resistance holds us back and how we can push past it effectively. Visit A-Game Advantage or find us on iTunes to subscribe, visit previous episodes, and learn more about your host, Elliot Roe.  Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:01 –Introducing Kayvon and how he became a coach for entrepreneurs 01:30 – How and why Dr. Kayvon went from being a doctor to a coach for entrepreneurs 05:06 – Where entrepreneurs and CEOs are getting stuck when it comes to mindset 06:15 – How Dr. Kayvon helps his clients get out of their own way 07:00 – Understan