Becoming Elli - Strong Fit Women Over 50, With Jill Mccauslin & Chris Brown

Living the Keto Lifestyle with Daisy Brackenhall



In episode 61, Jill and Chris talk with Daisy Brackenhall, also known as the Keto Woman. She is a delightful person who is extremely knowledgeable about living the keto lifestyle. Daisy is a Brit who has been living in rural France for the past 15 or so years. She lost half her bodyweight with weight loss surgery and low carb eating and has since maintained a healthy weight with keto. Keto has also helped her significantly reduce depression and migraines. She is a part-time gardener and lives with her three dogs and cats. Daisy is a podcaster and produces two weekly podcasts. In the Keto Woman podcast Daisy chats with extraordinary women and shares their inspiring stories with listeners. Monday Mindset is Daisy’s newest podcast and a collaboration with her friend and psychologist Terri Lance, who works at The Fasting Method. Each week they share with each other and their listeners something that they’ve found inspiring or motivational. A few years ago Daisy created and continues to run a successful Facebook g