Best Selling

E58 - The art and strategy of coaching sales reps with Dave Kennett



Our guest on this episode is Dave Kennett. Dave is the CEO at Replayz in Vancouver. Replayz offers on-demand sales tune-ups for Inside Account Executives from the world's best inside sales reps.   Dave is what I consider an expert when it comes to coaching up inside sales reps. He has done it via the companies he has worked at and through his company Replayz. Most of our conversation focuses on call coaching and live coaching but we certainly cover other topics like mentoring and improving performance metrics.    But before we jump into the episode I want to thank our sponsor the T-REX Summit the southeast’s premier sales and marketing growth conference. Join us on April 21st and 22nd at the Carolina Theatre in downtown Durham.    We’ve got a great lineup of speakers including Cal Fussman, a world renown speaker, journalist and author, Erica Schultz from the RAIN Group, LeVelle Moton the head basketball coach at NC Central University, Aliisa Rosenthal the VP Sales at Walkme and Melissa Sargent the CMO at Litm