Fit & Nourished Mind With Emily Gough And Kate Hoerner

042 - Growth Mindset: Learning to Challenge Your Own Beliefs



This episode is all about the Growth Mindset, which seems to be a real buzz term lately. This term refers to the idea that we need to work hard and dedicate time and effort to personal development in order to grow and be our best selves. We talk about how it's really easy to get stuck in our own ways because we tend to surround ourselves with people that think the same way as us (confirmation bias). If we truly want to grow, we have to challenge ourselves by opening up our minds to the other side and really hearing and listening to these ideas that scare us. Emily talks about how everyone seems to have an opinion and likes to tell us what they think is best, particularly when it comes to nutrition and dieting. Someone might believe that one diet is the end-all-be-all because it worked for them. but guess what? We're all different, and what works for one person won't necessarily work for the other. Kate talks about the indoor cycling instructors that she coaches, and how she has to constantly push them to see