Create & Inspire Podcast with Aunia Kahn

19: How to Identify and Avoid Con Artists



ABOUT THIS EPISODE Con artists are everywhere and in every industry. One of the greatest atrocities of the world are people who feed on others vulnerabilities and naivety with deception and lies. In this episode, I share a couple personal stories of con artists I have encountered, while also providing you with resources to help you avoid being a victim of a scam. SHOW QUOTES The reason con artists get away with what they get away with is, their victims are ashamed of their own blindness and their own gullibility, and they tend to just quietly go away. – Walter Kirn And I think it’s because good cons are all based on the victim’s need, and the successful con artist is the one, I guess, who can exploit that. I remember reading something about this, that one of the great traits of confidence tricksters is the level that they flatter their victim. – Alfred Molina SHOW LINKSKnown Art Scammers Names & Email ListKnown Scammers / Art Related Email ScamsArt Scams: Tips to Protect YourselfHow Stuff Works: How Con