Rankdaddy's Podcast

How to Start an SEO Agency in 2019 2020 Step by Step – Ep. 23



Hey guys, Brandon Olson here. I’m going to show you today on Rank Daddy TV how stupid simple it is to start an SEO agency and run this thing in very, very little time. I’m talking about if you’ve got 30 minutes, that does your entire month one of work. The guy’s just paid you a $1,000 a month, it’s going to take you a half an hour to do all the work, you’re going to keep half the profit. Month two, it gets even better. By month six or eight you’re spending probably 10 to 20% of your $1,000 fee that they’re paying you to do the entire job. They’re going to get more results than they’ve ever seen before in their life, they’re going to have more customers than they’ve ever had. They’re going to actually have to figure out a way how to raise prices, add more fleet, hire more staff, whatever, because of the results they’re getting from what you’re going to apply with Rank Daddy. So I’m going to give you an outline, I’m going to sell you exactly, show you exactly today how easy it is to start, and run, and scale a