Rankdaddy's Podcast

Don’t Sell Seo – Sell the Dream! – Episode 16 – RankDaddy TV



Hey guys, Brandon Olson here. Another episode of Rank Daddy TV. Today we're going to talk about why we need to stop pushing, selling people on SEO. Stop selling people on being at the top of Google, being on the first page of Google. Selling the rankings. And I'll show you why. It makes a lot of sense. So let's get into it. So here's the question. How can marketers like us working only part time and running our entire business from our laptop or smartphone, how are we able to guarantee insane results to our clients when the mainstream internet marketing gurus say that guarantees are impossible? That's the question. And this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Brandon Olsen and welcome to Rank Daddy. All right guys, here we go. So this is a technique that I picked up from a company called Salad Master. Salad Master is a company been in business since 1946. High end cookware. Cookware made of titanium and a bunch of other features, but we invested in a set not long ago. And then, so I was just looking