Rankdaddy's Podcast

Ep 9 - Immerse Yourself for Success



All right so what is immersion? Immersion is diving all in, it’s not dabbling. You know, a lot of you guys are coming into this thing, you’re new, you may go through the course once, you may poke around in the Facebook groups, but you’re not immersing yourself in it, you’re not taking it seriously enough and maybe because you don’t realize that the possibilities are there, you don’t realize how fast you can get to these income gains, there’s students in this group that, within three or four months, are at $15 to $20,000 dollars a month in client billing. But they have immersed their selves in it. They haven’t just gone through and dabbled and looked at the training once and then think that, “Okay, now it’s time to go get clients,” if you’re not landing clients, you haven’t immersed yourself. You haven’t gone through the RankDaddy TV videos, the prospecting videos over and over, you haven’t poked around in the Facebook group and asked questions, “How are you guys landing clients.” You see a student in there, m