Personal Record

Find out how strength work will make you faster with Jason Fitzgerald



Has your running performance plateaued despite logging countless miles?  Every wonder why you keep getting injured?  Well maybe Jason Fitzgerald can help.  Jason is a USATF-certified coach, Founder and Head Coach of Strength Running and author of Running for Health & Happiness. As a blogger, podcast host, and independent coach, Jason has advised hundreds of thousands of runners and has helped tens of thousands more accomplish their goals with results-oriented coaching programs. On this episode of Personal Record, Jason and I tackle a range of topics including injury prevention, optimal performance, and how strength work might be the missing link to both. Looking for a coach?  Visit Strength Running and find out what they have to offer.   Follow Jason and Strength Running on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Check out Personal Record on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and our website.  Email us with any questions, comments or concerns.