Embrace Grace

Me Too with Witlee Ethan



In the last four years alone she has witnessed and experienced how corrupt our judicial system is, when she became a victim of police-perpetrated violence at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, who is a law enforcement officer. In the middle of the night she had to escape to another state for her safety and has been forced to live in hiding ever since. Including having to take various safety precautions because the government continues to protect him by operating under the “Blue Code of Silence“. Though the more her story is told and heard, the more power she takes back from him and the sooner she can safely come out of hiding. October 23rd will mark 1,500 days of her living in hiding. Though despite her circumstances  she has tried to make the best out of her unfathomable situation. She has since gone back to school to further her education. Majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Psychology, so she can better help other victims and survivors like herself. She recently graduated in May 2017. Because of all t