Embrace Grace

Women in Leadership with Nancy Smith



Join Amy as she chats with her friend and Pastor of Catch the Fire DFW, Nancy Smith about Women in Leadership! We love these quotes from a blog Nancy wrote:  "Instead of leaning on cultural mores for our way of doing things, let’s ask questions. Dig in. Discover what the Bible really says about women. Let’s invite women into the discussion; they have a little bit invested in that process, after all. Let’s begin to take the “neither male nor female” thing Paul talks about in Galatians 3:28 seriously, allowing women to become all—and I mean all—they are created to be. And let’s create a safe environment in which they can become themselves. Let’s develop leaders of both genders, training them in Bible study (not just someone else’s Bible study, but how to really dig into the Word), leadership principles and communication skills, and then give them some opportunities to practice and grow in these skills. Let’s call those women who are already functioning in their calling by the labels we would use for men: Leader