Embrace Grace

Doulas for Life with Cessilye Smith



Women everywhere have been exploited and deceived into thinking "pro-choice" extends to the birthing room, giving them choices and options, but the truth is, women are maligned and abused in birth, by their doctors, by nurses, even by family. Women aren't getting the encouragement and affirmation deserved and so needed before, during, and after birth. A Pro-Life ethic covers it all, from conception, to birth, to beyond. Doulas support women at the very beginning of their motherhood journeys, affirming, supporting, and educating. Being truly Pro-Life means supporting a birthing mother's choices and respecting her right to consent or refuse certain proceedures, not to be pressured into accepting substandard healthcare. The USA has one of the highest maternal and fetal mortality rates in the developed world, and this is a travesty. Join Amy Ford as she chats with Cessilye Smith with Pro-Life Doulas and hear about how they stand up for change and education, promote evidence-based care, support the gestating, bi