Embrace Grace

Brave Love with Laura and Leigh



The BraveLove organization understands that adoption is not for everyone. Ideally no one wants to separate mother from child. So often the brave act of placing a baby for adoption is viewed in a negative light, when in reality it is a selfless, difficult, and loving act a birth mother can make for her child. They aim to invite and empower women to choose adoption when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Tune in to the podcast today and listen as Amy Ford sits down with Laura and Leigh of the BraveLove org about how brave and heroic birth moms are for choosing to place their baby with a loving family through adoption. They are on a mission to spark a pro-adoption movement and to change the way the culture thinks about adoption so that it's normalized as a common path for those in unplanned pregnancies. Through the creation and distribution of compelling media and messaging, they aim to show how adoption can be amazing acts of love and bravery.  To check out more of what BraveLove is doing - read more on their w