Embrace Grace

Bucket Lists with Tracy Levinson



Have you ever made New Years resolutions and then ended up feeling bad about not measuring up to your own list?  Have you ever noticed, especially when it comes to things like losing weight, that you may not even know anyone who has kept the weight long-term off by following "rules." Could there be a a more gentle, positive, delightful, and more winsome approach to discovering change for your life? Join Amy Ford with her guest, Tracy Levinson as she shares about a fun concept that Tracy came up with called "Bucket List parties" - a time where you and your friends come together and share hopes and desires. One of the questions you might ask each other is, "If you were free to dream without fear or judging your own desires as silly, shallow, unattainable, selfish...truly free to dream...what would make your heart happy, if it occurred in your life? Realistic or not, just dream." Tune into the podcast to hear more about how to ignite change in your own life!  To read more about bucket lists and to check out Trac