Embrace Grace

Group Highlights with Julie Prickett



It's so bittersweet! We are sad to see Julie moving forward into her next season, serving alongside her husband as they dive into pastoring a church in Southlake, Texas. She has been such a vital part of these past 2 years where we focused on the foundation and getting good at what we do. She helped pave the ground work so that we can grow, grow, grow. We are also very excited to see what God is going to do in her life next. We know God has big plans for her and we will be cheering her on along the way!  I asked her to do a podcast with me as she works her final week at Embrace Grace. She shares her highlights of this past year - what she has loved watching and hearing while working alongside the best Embrace Grace leaders in the country. Tune in and listen to these awesome highlights and if you follow Julie on social media, send her a note to cheer her on as well! You will love today's podcast!