Embrace Grace

Destined to be Free with Gene McGuire



One of the Dictionary.com definitions of "Chains" is a series of objects connected one after the other used for various purposes. Another definition says it's something that binds or restrains. A lot of times, the seasons or memories in our life connect one after another. If the season or memory was a negative or traumatic event - no matter how long or short the season was, it can become a chain in our life if we don't learn how to lay down our burdens and even receive healing for any wounds in our heart. We have to forgive when it's hard to forgive. We have to learn from each season and see what God wants to speak to our hearts about each one. Chains can hold us back from experiencing life in the fullness and joy that Got created for each one of us.  One of my friends, Gene McGuire lived a life not only bound in spiritual chains, but also physically as he spent over 30 years behind bars for a crime he never actually committed - only was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His pursuit and determination to b