Planted In Miami

Why Self-Care is Important for Your Health with Nzingah Oniwosan



When Nzingah Oniwosan was just 12 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor on her pituitary gland called Prolcatinoma. Unbeknownst to her, this was just the beginning of a series of illnesses that would eventually lead her to see five different physicians on a regular basis over the course of nine years. After being sick and tired of being sick and tired, Nzingah decided to make radical changes in her diet and lifestyle to heal herself. Today, Nzingah is a holistic health consultant, plant-based chef, interdisciplinary artist and the creator of Yes Baby I Like It Raw, a platform where she uses her skills, knowledge and talents to educate people on how to manage stress levels and take control of their health.  She's also a trailblazer entrepreneur who recently co-founded a co-working space in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti called Impact Hub which works at the "intersection of innovation and society to collaboratively create impact with an entrepreneurial mindset." Nzingah's life story is one of challenge an