Planted In Miami

30 Days Of Poetry, The Magic City Way with P. Scott Cunningham



Years ago when P. Scott Cunningham was trying to avoid making eye contact on a New York City subway, he came across Poetry in Motion, an initiative where poems would be featured on the trains instead of advertisements. The poem was called, Hunger, by Billy Collins and it painted a vivid picture of a fox being taken home in a satchel for dinner.  Not having been particularly interested in poetry back then, the poem stood with him years later along with the impact of infusing the written word in the most unlikely places. Today, Scott is the founder and director of O, Miami whose mission is for every single person in Miami-Dade County to encounter a poem during the month of April. O, Miami also has a publishing imprint, a poets-in-schools residency, and other programs that democratize access to literature and re-think the role of the literary arts in American society. Scott also recently released his first poetry book titled, Ya Te Veo, named after a mythical tree that eats people. The book focuses on what "we t