Solid Cat

Solid Cat: Banana Diarama



This week's episode of Solid Cat is powered by you, the fans. The proud citizens of Solid Cat City. What's on tap? One last covfefe jab. Macaroon, macaron, and Macron are three different things. Cheese rolling and shin kicking in England. Luring bathers to Japanese bathhouses, and "chizza" in China? Some guy found a vibrating fidget spinner (it's not a fidget spinner). Sexytime discusses 3-ways with the Spice Girls. Kangaroos have multiple vaginas and bifurcated dicks. TMI. D-mo tries to save the derailing show by talking about naked otters and they are not what you think. The Danger Diva returns to the show to deliver the Solid Cat General Apology. We have an honest-to-goodness recipe back in the Space Cowboy Kitchen. There's that empanada place at the Original L.A. Farmers' Market. Wenger In or Wenger Out? Paws Up to Wonder Woman. Camouflage works... especially in Chick-fil-A. And we finish strong with the International Banana Musuem. Pull up a chair, and grab a beverage, for this is Solid Cat!