Solid Cat




After two months… SOLID CAT RETURNS! Pro tip: Back up your hard drive onto an external drive. Trust me on this one. The new computer in Solid Cat Studios was more of like a Time Lord regeneration. Happy Valentine’s Day! Val is mildly disappointed that Sherlock and John aren’t gay, and D-mo drops an interesting theory on Moriarty’s return. We talk about Jane Austen for no good reason. Colin Firth looks great for his age; Kenny Rogers looks like a troll. Why was Peppa Pig banned? Carrying a basilisk in your pocket is a flawed idea. We explore fun, yet dangerous, national parks. Can a kangaroo be a service animal? It’ll be “Undie Sunday” in Bakersfield, aka Condorstown, with a 50 Shades of Gray twist. Speaking of, Sexytime with D-mo & Val returns as well this week. And 109 year old guy makes sweaters for penguins, and we try to decide where the cut off is between “horribly dated” and “classic.” You’ve missed us, and we’ve missed you. It’s time to strap on a brand new Solid Cat!