Solid Cat

Solid Cat: D-MOvember



It's the start of D-MOvember here on Solid Cat! Valerie had an Oktoberfest birthday and had the first hangover in years. In Germany, they don't have port-a-johns, they have port-a-johanns. Our hummus recipe is pretty damn good. The Charlotte Hornets are back! D-mo loves team apps with local radio feeds. Val thinks Pelicans is a worse team name than Redblacks. WHAT? For the record, it's spelled "umtzz umtzz." Why didn't we tell anyone about Valloween? But let's talk about Halloween. Hot glue is a harsh mistress. The wand chooses the wizard; that much has always been true. The homeless are single-handedly saving the planet via recycling. Mexican Coke is legit. Val says we need to bring back a code of honor, an acceptance of transients, and a much more forgiving nature towards traveling craftsmen. Cosplay has explained a lot of odd things away. We have a record-setting pumpkin. Does D-mo have Low T? Oh, and D-mo just called the Clippers the Kato Kaelin of L.A. sports (I guess, thus implying, the Lakers are the O