Rise To Success

Let's TALK about money! w/ Linda Bradley



Working as a coach is Linda's passion. After her marriage ended while an expat living in Panama, she returned to Canada  to rebuild her life and to pursue her dream of becoming a coach. Through her coach training at CTI (The Coaches Training Institute) she processed the hurt of the divorce and realized that her marriage had failed in large part due to her inability to communicate well. Once finished her coach training she set her niche on helping others to improve their communication skills as she had been doing ever since the marriage ended.  She now teaches clients how to first  find their Courage, then improve their Communication to finally help achieve that deeper Connection we are all searching for. Without good communication skills and a self awareness of what we are doing in our conversations we will continue to do and get what we always did from our relationships, both professional and personal, which is often the exact opposite of what we wanted. As a money coach, and as a wife, I understand how impo