Rise To Success

Wake Up to Your Purpose w/ Nikki Thomas



Nikki Thomas is a Global Performance Coach specialising in coaching ambitious professionals in their careers and personal lives. A colleague of The Coaching Academy, The Institute of Leadership and  Management (ILM). She’s  also an NLP practitioner and DISC profiler who frequently writes for the Huffington Post and other titles on topics surrounding careers and mindfulness. We talk about success is finding and following your passion, and realizing that we all have a path in this life, we just need to listen to ourselves and find it in order to have that happy life we’re seeking. We hear Nikki share with us how she was coaching others for years but it was only at the beginning the of 2016 that she realized that she was coaching everybody else and not herself.  She discovered she was living a lie and made a monumental – and scary – change in her life. Nikki now helps others to break free from their unfulfilling careers and lives, realise their full potential and gives support and realise their full potential