Emil Amok's Takeout From Emil Guillermo Media

Ep.17 Emil's Father's Day Essay; Karthick Ramakrishnan on Asian Americans and South Asians



 Show Log   00: Open, intros, Emil comments on news, including the week's gun violence and the NBA champion Golden State Warriors.   14:35 Karthick Ramakrishnan, UC Riverside, School of Public Policy; AAPI Data   15:52 Interview begins 1:01:20  On bias against South Asians 1:02:49  On Vincent Chin Anniversary 1:07:10 Emil reads his Father's Day Essay     Emil Guillermo: Who is Asian American? On AMEMSA, Vincent Chin, and my Amok Monologues for Father's Day. PODCAST EXTRA: Karthick Ramakrishnan June 16, 2017 11:57 AM Say Asian or Asian American, and people think "Chinese." Most people know that's not the case, but that tends to be the prevailing stereotype. And not just among whites, blacks, and Latinos.  It's harder when even Asian Americans believe in the stereotype. "East Asians need to recognize that Southeast Asians and South Asians are Asians too, " Karthick Ramakrishnan told me on Emil Amok's Takeout. "If you combine the Southeast Asian and South Asian categories, all these nationalities together, they