Quantum Rabbit




There’s at least three different types of ideas that I could imagine making next for this podcast.On one side, there’s the perfect one. It would probably be a 2-4 hour multi-part series. A dreamy exploration into a previously unknown space. It’s kind of dark, but in a comfortable way, with some serious emotional punch, most likely at the end.On the other side is the second type of idea I might consider making. It’s a bit more old-school. Bright, lively 20-30 minute conversations. It would feature open-ended interviews with interesting people, sharing of knowledge… but I’m not so sure that’s where I want to go right now.The third type of podcast I might make, is the one that takes you on a very short journey to somewhere unknown. It may be as simple as going up a staircase. It’s a 5-10 minute experience that provides a different perspective on the world, before returning back to where it started.Today’s episode is one of these third type of ideas. It’s a story called Gatekeepers. I hope you enjoy it.