Artists Space

Past Disquiet: Narratives and Ghosts from the International Art Exhibition for Palestine, 1978



Talk Tuesday, September 22, 7pm Artists Space Books & Talks 55 Walker Street The International Art Exhibition in Solidarity with Palestine was inaugurated in Beirut, Lebanon, in March 1978, and was intended as the seed collection for a museum in exile. Inspired by the Museum of Resistance in Exile in Solidarity with Salvador Allende, the museum took the form of an itinerant exhibition that was meant to tour until it could "repatriate" to Palestine. Organized by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), comprising almost 200 works, donated by 200 artists from nearly 30 countries, the exhibition remains one of the most ambitious, in scale and scope, to have ever been showcased in the Arab world until this day. Tragically, during the Israeli army's siege of Beirut in 1982, sustained shelling destroyed the building where the works were stored as well as the exhibition's archival and documentary traces. This historical "ghost" exhibition has been an area of sustained research for Beirut-based writers and cur