Brierly Hill 90210

Brierly Hill 90210 presents... 2005



The year begins with George W Bush celebrating a second term as US president while the world mourns and prays for those effected by the massive Indian Ocean tsunami at the end of 2004. On the personal front, by February, we were pregnant again and, after many nervous months, this time it stuck. Looking back, I don't remember a direct connection but find it hard to believe it's a coincidence that I wanted to do something musical and creative while we were expecting. I continued gathering new and interesting music, mostly from MySpace and Last.FM (or Audio Scrobbler as it was known at the time). For some reason, just doing it for myself wasn't enough and my musical discoveries were something I wanted to share with the world. So in June, not fully understanding the difference between podcasts and online radio, I launched Brierly Hill 90210 as a weekly, 1-hour online radio show on Live365. Audiences could frequently be counted on the fingers of one elbow. But by the end of the year, a handful of people liked wh