Brierly Hill 90210

Brierly Hill 90210 presents... 2004



Does any day, week, month or year feel like the end of something as it's happening? It's only in hindsight that, usually as the result of a new beginning, you see the previous end for what it was. Even then, it's mostly like a gradual evolution, not a sudden end. But in looking back, 2004 is an ending. There's personal sadness that goes with it which, while devastating at the time, gains clarity later as the necessary metamorphosis into something new and glorious. We were trying for a family and, as for many others, it wasn't as easy as one thinks it will be. There were some heartbreaking moments along the way. In retrospect, with two normal, healthy, annoying, teenage sons, the pain of 2004 seems worthwhile. There was also the pain and sadness shared by others in the loss of a national hero and musical legend in October and the loss of so many lives in December. The musical metamorphosis starts in 2004 with the shedding of musical skin, made more necessary by the shock in October. This really was a year w