Brierly Hill 90210

Brierly Hill 90210 presents... 1988 *UPDATED*



For the previous episodes in this series, I've only used music from my existing record collection (or whatever the digital equivalent is called these days). For this episode, that bucket came up from the well a little short and I had to go hunting for some. I don't know if that's because the quality of music dipped in 1988. There was certainly a marked increase in manufactured pop in the charts, including many former Australian soap stars. But I also suspect a personal shift in focus; spending more time involved in drugs and alcohol than in music. Amphetamine sulphate (or speed) was my drug of choice and I saw it as bringing me out of my shell, making more of what I wanted to be. In hindsight, it probably made more of what I wasn't. It's the start of a period of my life that I'm not particularly proud of but it certainly had a formative impact on me and where I ended up. So I refuse to be ashamed either.