Mostly Sober Podcast

EP. 3 - Kids These Days



Podcast outline Episode 3 Intro: 2-4 minutes - a high level overview of our great topic that we’re oh-so enthused about, “Kids These Days” is about how growing up was for us compared to kids nowadays. Body: 15-30 minutes - this is the grass stained pants and “play shoes” of the episode. We compare the kids that ran around outside and only played video games/electronics when it rained, to the kids who hold a device from birth, on. Subtopics covered; 1. Start it off with a “5 Mississippi” count before you blitz the quarterback, or perhaps a “ghost man on third”, and discuss the main difference between the two age groups. HUGE imagination and the drive to just be outside and interact on a human contact level with friends. As compared to HUGE creativity and a consuming amount of virtual contact. 2. The internet. How this was/is used by each age group. We used it for chat room, it is now used for social media. 3. The crazy landline and how rare they are now, from making long distance calls to your aunt, to ev