Cheri Hill Show

Grassroots Lobbying: Jeanette Blez and Lea Cartwright


Synopsis J.K. Belz & Associates: Grassroots lobbying is important because government must know your wishes before it can respond to them -- it is simply the art of communicating with your elected officials. This is the basis of government "of the people, by the people, and for the people". In the news, we hear about professional lobbyists who attempt to influence legislation and policy through various means. Grassroots lobbying is when everyday citizens contact their own legislators to try to influence legislation and policy. Advocacy groups of all kinds engage in grassroots lobbying, asking their members to call and write their legislators about a piece of legislation. Jeanette Belz founder and President of J.K. Belz & Associates has been working in the public/private sector since the 80’s until relocating to Nevada in 1995 to serve as President/CEO for the Nevada Association of Hospitals and Health Systems. Her company provides customized facilitation, mediation, governmental relations and special b