Cheri Hill Show

Red Wagon Network: Sam Hardt 082215


Synopsis Sam Hardt is Co-Founder and Talker of Red Wagon Network and believes that the core values and strengths of a successful business and community are built on the foundation of Giving. Philanthropy has been around since the beginning of recorded history. Every major religion provides a mandate to its followers for tithing. We most often associate the word philanthropy with major donors-those who have impacted society with substantial gifts to endow universities and libraries and often have buildings named after them. However, most of us at some point in our lives have engaged in philanthropy, and many of us are involved even on a daily basis. We support our religious institutions. Millions tend to respond to massive relief efforts when countries are hit with hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. Most of us have bought girl scout cookies, dropped change in the Salvation Army kettles during the holidays, or given blood to the Red Cross. Small business owners often play