Summer Foundation Podcasts

Breakfast Club 2018 - Lecture 2, May 16



Emerging technologies and rehabilitation of the upper limb: are we ready? About the lecture: Rehabilitation of the neurologically impaired upper limb is challenging for both consumers and health professionals. Published studies suggest that more than 50% of stroke survivors will leave rehabilitation with a nonfunctional upper limb. We know that cortical changes are experience-dependant and rely on intensity, repetition and engagement. Emerging technologies, such as gaming and robotic assisted devices, provide an engaging platform for rehabilitation that enable the high numbers of repetition critical for neuroplasticity and functional improvement. However, clinicians are often reluctant to incorporate such technology in practice. This presentation will discuss research collected as part of the implementation of a publicly funded, technology driven, upper-limb rehabilitation clinic – the Hand Hub. The barriers and facilitators for the uptake of new technology in healthcare settings will be examined in the cont