Craft Of Charisma

Adventure and Community Building - with Jon Levy



Guest Introduction: Jon Levy is a behavior scientist, consultant, writer, and keynote speaker best known for his work in the fields of influence, networking, and adventure. He is the founder of The Influencers Dinner and The Salon, and the author of “The 2AM Principle: Discover the Science of Adventure.” Interview Summary: In this interview, Jon first provides a detailed definition of adventure, and then walks us through the four stage process that all adventurous experiences follow. He emphasizes the importance of finding the right group of people, exploring a novel environment, and setting goals or constraints on our behavior. Jon also talks about how to push boundaries and increase the emotional value of the environment that we're in. He gives a number of examples and shares some of the crazy adventures that he's experienced. Jon then explains how the scope of our lives are directly proportional to our willingness to be uncomfortable. He discusses the benefits of adventure, as well as the biggest mista