Craft Of Charisma

The Life of an Endurance Runner - with Matt Fitzgerald



Guest Introduction: Matt Fitzgerald is an endurance coach, sports nutritionist, and bestselling author of more than 20 books, including “The Endurance Diet” and “80/20 Triathlon.” Matt has been a runner since age 11, and today he’s going to share the wisdom that he's gained through his personal experience, and from studying the world's best athletes. Interview Summary: In this interview, Matt begins by talking about his love for running and writing, and how he combined these passions into a meaningful career. He explains how he learned to trust his intuition and follow his bliss. We ask Matt where he uses his intuition in other areas of his life. He discusses his marriage, and shares the story about how he met his wife, and how their relationship evolved over time. Matt also reveals the most important lessons that he's learned from his experience in endurance sports. He explains how running has helped him develop a higher level of mental toughness and resilience. Matt then discusses how he overcame intens