Where On Earth With Patrick Hughes

004 Near & Far: Planning Travel, Warrenpoint & the French Road Trip 2021



So I got to thinking... when does planning choke your travel plans and when does it create the conditions for spontaneity?  Wide awake with my usual hay fever, I find that the NEAR (the gorgeous town of Warrenpoint in the North of Ireland) is as good a place to travel, film and enjoy the sites as the FAR (the French Road Trip 2021), which seems to take a lot more planning!  And yes, there is some technical geekery in this particular podcast, but it's brief, I promise!  You can find the films I mention here on my YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/planetpatrick  To follow me on social media, all the links are here:  https://www.planetpatrick.net/links/ Thanks for listening!