Orsini's Uncensored Mind

AJ OUM Episode 164 - NXT UK Sets the Bar High



***The Following Contains Explicit Language and Adult Content*** AJ OUM Episode 164 – NXT UK Sets the Bar High NXT UK, you sir have stolen our hearts. This episode is filled with such glowing praise and positivity. We watched some FANTASTIC wrestling recently and our hearts are growing more each day. The COVID Era of professional wrestling has been a sad, sad excuse of an era but the light of the tunnel is upon us. We discuss the Main Event everyone is talking about, Ilja Dragunov vs Walter for the NXT UK Championship, we talk a show stealing tag match on AEW Dynamite, we take a visit back to ROH and discuss the Pure Championship Tournament down to its conclusion. Wrestling being back in full action again is right around the bend. I can feel it. As always, any comments, suggestions or conversation starters for the host to read on the show email me at: ajorsini96host@gmail.com All new Episodes of OUM on ajoum.podbean.com every Saturday at 9pm! Thank you to Mikey Ruckus for the dope new OUM Theme Song! Che