How To Love Your Body

Ep 108 - Food Logging and Intuitive Eating? (But I'm not counting calories!)



Quick Coaching: Is food logging to see how food makes me feel a good idea? This episode is brought to you by how to love your body the online course 4 weeks covering food movement body image and mindset All elements that are so important in becoming an intuitive eater You can learn more at Something like food logging (not calorie counting) isn't bad or wrong but the question is will it give you the results you’re hoping for? When you stop dieting and become an intuitive eater, many people hope to think about food less - logging in any form puts more attention on what you eat - Have to think about the food twice - eat it and write it down - See all the food you ate that day - way too easy to take stock of your day and think i shouldnt have had so many carbs etc - Hard to be present when logging  - False sense of control - if I don't write it down I'll go out of control KEY POINT: Nothing is bad or wrong - but we need to look at the intention of it and whether it wil