Endurance Horse Podcast

Episode 20 Endurance Horse Podcast



Endurance Horse Podcast - Episode 20    Welcome to Episode 20 of the Endurance Horse Podcast   Publishing July 13, 2019.  Happy 27th Anniversary of our first date Jim!   Episode 20 will bring us updates from our wonderful friend, Darice Whyte, in Canada.  She brings us news from the Maah Daah Hey Ride in North Dakota.   Mollie Quiroz from California brings us a pre Tom Quilty introduction before she heads out for Australia, and much more.   Thanks to all the riders who sent in, we have another great collection of ride stories.  Head on over to our facebook group to connect with more of the story through the images/videos that riders share there.     Without further ado, I bring to you episode 20 of Endurance Horse Podcast, may you be encouraged, inspired and find a few riders you can relate to or at the very least, laugh with!  Please let me know how you are enjoying the podcast by sending us an email.     Check out the links provided in the show notes as they have additional links to resources