Camera Ready With Val Brown

CR 31 - On Camera Make Up Tips For Men



Do you ever wonder if you should wear makeup or not on video?  You're just not sure how much to wear or what to use? It’s  a question I get asked a lot. Did you know that how you show up on camera is more than what you are wearing and your makeup? For the next two weeks, I am going to share my Emmy award winning secrets about makeup for video - things I've learned over three decades producing television.   Today's podcast is part one of two where I share makeup tips for men and next week I'll cover makeup for women. Before You Ladies Decide To Tune Out... There's plenty of good advice that you can use in this episode too! Lots of what I share in this episode applies to everyone and you'll learn best practices for men so you can help that special person in your life when they are doing video. Here's what you'll learn on today's episode: the importance of lifestyle on how you show up on camera things to consider about your hair and hair color  makeup tips for indoors and outdoors I also included some affiliat