Comfort Measures

Comfort Measures: Episode 10 - The Princess Bride



Episode 10 - In our February episode, we jump in to the 1987 Rob Reiner classic - THE PRINCESS BRIDE. So, in the spirit of Inigo Montoya: Hello. My name is Jessica Ammirati. You're seeking comfort. Prepare to (re)watch! Jessica's co-host this month is none other than retired English and American Studies and Dean of Studies, Theresa (aka Mom) Ammirati. The comfort food pairing is beef stew. Get yerself a bowl, grab some crusty bread to go with it, and settle in for a discussion of a princess, a pirate, a giant, a Spaniard, a six-fingered man, and some very large rodents. As always, thank you to The Don't Tell Darlings for use of their songs "Never Saw Nothing" and "Till I Get Home" in the intro and outro (respectively) to the pod. For more of Camilla's music you can go to and Please feel free to rate and review Comfort Measures on iTunes and don't forget to subscribe to the show while you're there. You can get more Comfort Measures at