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We Are The Luckiest with Laura McKowen



Laura McKowen is one of the foremost voices in the modern recovery movement, having helped thousands of people reframe addiction and transform their lives through her writing, teaching, and speaking.   She writes an award-winning blog, hosted the iTunes Top 100 HOME podcast, and currently hosts Spiritualish, a show that provides an irreverent take on self-development and spirituality. She has been featured in WebMD, New York Post, Huffington Post, the TODAY show, and more.   Laura has an MBA from Babson College and spent 15 years in advertising, managing million-dollar accounts for Fortune 100 companies before transitioning to writing and teaching. She’s the founder of The Bigger Yes and We Are the Luckiest, online programs for personal development and sobriety. She teaches workshops and retreats all over the United States. Her first book, We Are The Luckiest: The Unexpected Joy of a Sober Life is forthcoming in January 2020.   Even if alcohol is not an area you struggle with, you will benefit immensely from