An Excellent Example Of Being Human | Health | Empowerment | Self-love With Tory Dube

The Mascot Mindset with Patrick Walcek



We’ve been on break for a few weeks preparing to relaunch 3.0 of the pod, and it’s my greatest pleasure to introduce our first guest. You’ll notice he is NOT an entrepreneur, but he sure takes his career seriously. He has the spunk and soul of an entrepreneur, and he’s just a guy from a small town with big aspirations (who went on to attain his goals!) This human has been in my life since middle school - and he’s one of the kindest, most driven, most pure people I've had the honor of knowing and loving. He only eats chicken fingers and pizza and absolutely refuses to acknowledge any of my inappropriate comments about what he would call “gross things,” but I can forgive him for that.  Please welcome the Director of Premium Hospitality Sales for Madison Square Garden (you read that right - the guy who has access to every amazing artist or sports event that comes through NYC), my dear friend Patrick Walcek. We talk about how he went from cleaning stadium trash to mascot to his current job, how the lessons of a w