Kelli Richards Presents All Access Radio

Protect Yourself from Lyme's Disease with Sherry Cagan



Sherry Cagan has had great success in her past both as an award-winning equestrian & a talented bronze sculptor.  These days Sherry is a patient advocate and facilitator, a leading voice and a driving force for the millions debilitated with Lyme disease. Her near-death experience from Lyme disease, and her daughters and mother being infected with it, catalyzed her passion for Lyme research – initiating the Stanford Lyme Working Group at the Stanford School of Medicine. Late 2015, Sherry and her husband Laird founded a 501c3 Silicon Valley based organization, the Stand4Lyme Foundation, with the purpose of establishing a revolutionary Lyme research platform, launched May 2016. Transforming traditional medical research to expedite projects to patients, funding a team of collaborating scientists, eliminating time barriers and sharing findings. Stand4Lyme joins forces with Stanford scientists to pave a medical path to wellness for patients at all stages of Lyme disease, “making Lyme history.”