Design Yourself

08: Ask For Help



Today Sharon explores the topic of asking for help. You will learn about why flexing this skill is a critical component of successful leadership and sane living, what holds us back from asking for help, and why we've got to push forth and ask anyway. Finally Sharon offers 5 Rules of the Road for how to get past your own discomfort or habit of not asking for help and move into the practice of doing it anyway. Learn more about the Camino de Santiago – a pilgrimage walk through Spain that profoundly changed my life. (Among other things it taught me that sometimes getting to the end goal just isn’t the point.) Psst. If you are curious about walking the Camino yourself, here is a must read book, A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino de Santiago. Why Don’t We Ask For Help: We don’t know what to ask for The “Busy-ness Cycle”  It makes us uncomfortable No one can do it as well as me I’m in control, thank you very much Why We Ought To Ask Anyway: Our own capabilities are finite  We can’t do everything  You can lev