Design Yourself

01: Let's Do This Thing



Welcome to the inaugural episode of Design Yourself - a podcast to help you figure out what it is that you want and then make it happen. In this episode, Sharon shares her inspiration for launching the show, what you can expect from Design Yourself moving forward, and how this podcast fits into her own professional journey as a creative, coach, and entrepreneur. As I kicked off the podcast I shared both the story of how Design Yourself came to be and some of the headlines of my own professional trajectory. Below are some links to some resources I referenced related to my own career path. I love my alma mater Kenyon College. Check out what it’s like to study in the cornfields of Ohio. Or read about it in a book by a English professor whose speech to my freshman class circa 1999 still gives me goosebumps. He was that good. My Fulbright Fellowship in Mainz, Germany was a game changer. I worked at the Advisory Board for nearly a decade. Loved it then and the more organizations I work with the more I admire a