Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 018: Knowing Your Genius and Bucking All the Odds | Shannon Shaffer, Digital Strategist



It can be easy getting caught up in the mindset that we need to fit a certain mold in order to be a successful entrepreneur or live a fulfilling life. In Episode 18, Shannon Shaffer is here to tell you that is BS! Shannon is a digital strategist and blog coach who, after having some success in the corporate world, decided to buck the trend and build an online business during an economy that fought against her. After building a $1M+ site with a reach of a few million monthly views, she decided that her family and personal life were more important and sold the business. Well, she’s back and she’s following her passion of all things digital strategy! Shannon is passionate about helping entrepreneurs make it online without sacrificing their entire lives in the process, and her goal is to help regular people who always seem to find themselves up against the odds. So whether you are stuck thinking that you’re too different or are afraid to step outside of societal norms, check this episode out! You can also learn m