Nba History [unofficial] | Michael Jordan-era And More (in All Airness)

Adam and Lisa's USA holiday - Christmas Day NBA, meeting Bernard King and more - AIR080



My lovely wife, Lisa, joins me to discuss the highlights / basketball-related experiences from our recent USA holiday. We visited the States for three weeks - Dec 20, 2017, through Jan 10, 2018.Hear about my first (in-person) NBA game in 23 years, Lisa's first-ever NBA game, meeting Hall of Fame legend, Bernard King, catching-up w/ previous podcast guests and plenty more.Editor's note: sign-up for the monthly newsletter - receive exclusive details on upcoming podcast episodes and future, high-profile guests to appear on the show.I appreciate all feedback, FB Page 'Likes' and iTunes ratings / reviews.Follow: Facebook | Twitter | Google+Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher | Newsletter | RSS | WebsiteFeedback: e-mail (audio welcome) | Voicemail