More Than Lifting

MTL91: New Year New You - And What's Coming From More Than Lifting In 2019



More Than Lifting is a podcast all about Calisthenics, Gymnastics & Bodyweight Exercise with Rhys Morgan. In this episode: We talk about what happened at MoreThanLifting in 2018 and what is coming in 2019 We talk: Updating the podcast revamping the 100 push up challenge and so much more . . .  We also talk about a special deal with the guys from Onnit: And of course the 2019 Calisthenics Training Program Offer! To learn more visit Disclaimer: The activities and research discussed in these podcasts are suggestions only and should not be undertaken without prior consultation with a health or medical professional. Fitness training, nutrition and other physical pursuits should be tailored to the individual based upon an assessment of their personal needs **This podcast contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.